
Political Prisoners

Coverage of political prisoners, focusing on recent protests, campaigns, and individual stories of suffering and resilience in Cuba. Updates on releases, threats, and civil society responses.

Alberto Reyes: "True Victory of a Corrupt Power Isn't Jailing Dissidents"
Alberto Reyes: "True Victory of a Corrupt Power Isn't Jailing Dissidents"

Published on 7/6/2024

State Security Threatens Journalist José Luis Tan with Jail if He Leaves Home on July 11
State Security Threatens Journalist José Luis Tan with Jail if He Leaves Home on July 11

Published on 7/6/2024

Cuba Próxima: "Our Nation Endures Its Darkest Hours"
Cuba Próxima: "Our Nation Endures Its Darkest Hours"

Published on 6/24/2024

Son of Professor Pedro Albert Exposes Dire Conditions of His Father in Prison
Son of Professor Pedro Albert Exposes Dire Conditions of His Father in Prison

Published on 6/16/2024

Civil Society Launches Campaign to Highlight the Plight of Political Prisoners in Cuba
Civil Society Launches Campaign to Highlight the Plight of Political Prisoners in Cuba

Published on 6/4/2024

Cuban Regime Releases Pregnant Political Prisoner from July 11 Protests
Cuban Regime Releases Pregnant Political Prisoner from July 11 Protests

Published on 5/29/2024

Cubans with I-220A Protest at Cuban Embassy in Washington, Chant "Murderers"
Cubans with I-220A Protest at Cuban Embassy in Washington, Chant "Murderers"

Published on 5/21/2024

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