
Yahima Tamayo Cuello

Yahima Tamayo Cuello is highlighted in stories about emotional pleas, community efforts, and rewards offered to find lost pets in Cuba, emphasizing empathy and animal advocacy.

Cubana Offers 5,000 Pesos Reward for Missing Dog in Sancti Spíritus
Cubana Offers 5,000 Pesos Reward for Missing Dog in Sancti Spíritus

Published on 8/1/2024

Lost Dog Travels Alone on Bus in Mayabeque; Animal Advocates Seek Owners
Lost Dog Travels Alone on Bus in Mayabeque; Animal Advocates Seek Owners

Published on 7/18/2024

Desperate Plea from Cuban Woman to Retrieve Her Lost Pet: "I Ask for a Little Empathy"
Desperate Plea from Cuban Woman to Retrieve Her Lost Pet: "I Ask for a Little Empathy"

Published on 7/2/2024